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Sunday Weekly Review: Congress Goes to Hell

December 11, 2005

[Three days after the show, the Washington Post published an article making the same point. A Religious Protest Largely From the Left: Conservative Christians Say Fighting Cuts in Poverty Programs Is Not a Priority. The article is republished by me in the blog below. Next time you think Focus on the Family or Concerned Women or Family Research Council Jerry Falwell are Christians, think again. Their focus is on hate, not love. They are an insult and an affront to Jesus’ teachings in the New Testament. Kudos to the United Methodist Church, Episcopal Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Presbyterian Church USA and United Church of Christ, and Sojourners for recognizing the real spirit of Christmas.]
There’s a special place in Hell for those who mistreat the poor.
As the Republican Congress this week, right before Christmas, through “tax cuts to investors” and “health care cuts to the poor”, grabs billions from the dirt poor to give to the idle rich (while pocketing millions for themselves), what would Jesus do? What would God do?
For Christians in Congress, the act was not just decidedly un-Christian, it was the work of Satan.
[More in Blog]

Why Do French Muslims Revolt While American Muslims Do Not?

December 8, 2005

Today, a note of optimism and a reflection on the power of peace and goodwill:
In France and throughout Western Europe, Al Quaeda is having some success in exporting its terrorism and anti-Western grievances among the native European Muslim population. But their efforts in America thus far have been extremely weak.
Why has there been no grievous attack by American Muslims on the USA?
Mark’s answer may surprise you, but it’s strong proof that the war on terrorism is being fought and won right here in America.
“We don’t have to fight in Baghdad to keep them from killing us here in America,” Mark says. “It is our fight in America — not our war in Iraq — that is succeeding. And the fight is being won without weapons of war.”

Plan B (Emergency Contraception): Is Politics Trumping Science?

December 7, 2005

What is the “emergency contraception” pill Plan B?
And why won’t the Food and Drug Administration allow it to be sold without a prescription?
Is ideology trumping science here?
Two guests today will join the debate: Dr. Susan Wood, who resigned from her post as Director of the FDA’s Office of Women’s Health to protest the FDA’s “politicization” of Plan B; and Nurse Jill Stanek, a “pro-life” advocate who testified against Plan B before the FDA.

Debate Tuesday: Mark Debates a Listener on Iraq

December 6, 2005

For a couple of years now, Ed Wronka (formerly of New Jersey and now from Buffalo, New York) has listened to THE INSIDE SCOOP, called in occasionally, and commented on the blog. Ed, an engineer whose older brother was an aide to Robert Kennedy, nevertheless supports the U.S. War in Iraq and the decision of the Bush Administration to fight there.
Now Ed is the first listener to challenge me mano a mano on Debate Tuesday. I welcome the debate.

Wal-Mart: Ordinary Capitalism or Sinister Force?

December 5, 2005

Guest: Harold Myerson, Editor At Large at The American Prospect
The documentary, Wal-mart: The High Cost of Low Price is showing in theaters nationwide.

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