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Mediaite Praises Our Supreme Court Coverage

July 18, 2012

Mediaite praised the work of David Shuster and myself giving We Act Radio’s first-in-the-nation accurate broadcast of the Supreme Court decision on health care.

One of the biggest media stories of the year was the mainstream media

Romney's Retroactively Retiring — Really! [RC]

July 15, 2012

The Inside Scoop

July 12, 2012

Nancy Skinner joins Mark Levine

LIBOR Scandal Shows Why Bank Regulation is Necessary [LM]

July 11, 2012

Guest: Economics Professor Richard Wolff of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst

The LIBOR Scandal

July 11, 2012

Terry D. Kester hosts Mark Levine on “What’s At Stake”
Guests: Professor Richard Wolff and Professor Stephany Griffith Jones

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