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Did Kerry Win the 2004 Election?

June 26, 2006

(Archive) (Download Time = 3-10 minutes.)
Mark dissects the evidence in Was the Election Stolen?, the Rolling Stone article by Robert Kennedy Jr. making the case that due to fraud and other shenanigans by the Republican Party, the American People did not get the President they elected in 2004.
If you ever doubt a single person can commit fraud and steal an election, read A Single Person Could Swing an Election

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  • Vicky June 28, 2006 4:00 pm

    How many anger management sessions have you been through Lane? Apparently not enough of them.
    I remember you; every time you make an appearance on this blog you just rant and rave and act “pathetic”. You don’t give us any basis for what you believe to be true.
    That is YOUR opinion that the Bible is fiction and you’re entitled to that opinion. You have nothing to prove that statement is true. And I won’t debate you on this – it would be casting pearls before swine.
    Global warming would most likely destroy the earth with a flood, right? God says He will destroy the world with fire. How do ya like them ap ples?
    Wishing you “eyes to see.”

  • Lane June 28, 2006 1:48 pm

    Anyone who thinks global warming is not true is ignorant and is living in a fantasy world, like most conservatives are.

  • Lane June 28, 2006 1:41 pm

    “I believe this because the Bible predicts that this will happen.”
    What a bunch of bull! You base your argument on a work of fiction? How pathetic!

  • Lane June 28, 2006 1:32 pm

    “I believe this because the Bible predicts that this will happen.” What a bunch of bull! This is what you use to base your argument? Pathetic. The bible is fiction.