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Mid-Term Elections:The Raucous Caucus

May 18, 2010

Pledge Week at WPFW

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  • Robt May 31, 2010 5:47 pm

    Excuse me for tying in Health Care Reform to this election topic.
    As we all heard, the republican mantra for election was to be “repeal and replace”.
    Here is an open letter to Republican Senator (SC) Jim DeMint.
    Senator DeMint,
    As a Nebraskan I would like to congradulate you for your great words in which you will always be remembered.
    ” If we’re able to stop Obama on this it will be his Waterloo ”
    Instead of President Obama’s Waterloo, it turns out to be, “your Cornwallis surrender at Yorktown in 1781”.
    (so you know)
    Yorktown and the surrender of Cornwallis:
    The northern, southern, and naval theaters of the war converged in 1781 at Yorktown Virginia . In early September, French naval forces defeated a British fleet at the Battle of the Chesapeake, cutting off Cornwallis’ escape. Washington hurriedly moved American and French troops from New York, and a combined Franco-American force of 17,000 men commenced the Siege of Yorktown in early October. For several days, the French and Americans bombarded the British defenses. Cornwallis’ position quickly became untenable, and he surrendered his entire army of 7,000 men on October 19, 1781.
    Furthermore, AS FOR YOUR REPUBLICAN , “REPEAL AND REPLACE” (British style aftermath) republican election campaign. Read on to see your historical continued pursuit end.
    (so you know)
    With the surrender at Yorktown, King George lost control of Parliament to the peace party, and there were no further major military activities in North America. The British had 30,000 garrison troops occupying New York City, Charleston, and Savannah. The war continued at sea between the British and the French fleets in the West Indies. In London, as political support for the war plummeted after Yorktown, Prime minister Lord North resigned in March 1782. In April 1782, the Commons voted to end the war in America. Preliminary peace articles were signed in Paris at the end of November, 1782; the formal end of the war did not occur until the Treaty of Paris and Treaties of Versailles were signed on September 3, 1783. The last British troops left New York City on November 25, 1783, and the United States Congress of the Confederation ratified the Paris treaty on January 14, 1784.
    History repeating itself british/republican style.