Mark on Air America: Whose Suffering Moves you Most?
October 29, 2009Whose suffering moves you most?
Animals? (Are you a vegetarian?)
Your family’s?
People in your neighborhood, city, or nation?
People with inadequate health care?
People suffering genocide?
People who don’t deserve suffering?
The homeless?
People of your race, religion, or ethnicity?
Mark is in a Slew of Newspapers for his Work on DC Marriage Equality
October 28, 2009The Washington Post:
Same-sex marriage foes vow court fight
The Washington Post a second time:
Cases against gay marriage don’t hold up
Washington Examiner:
Same-sex union foes seek ballot initiative to define marriage
Washington Times:
Debating gay marriage
Washington Blade:
Marriage referendum supporters pack BOE meeting
Marriage Meetings: Monday set for full day of marriage-equality arguments
The Associated Press (several newspapers):
DC same-sex marriage language debated in hearing
In addition, you can read the briefs Mark wrote for the DC Board of Elections on behalf of the Gertrude Stein Democratic Club:
Gertrude Stein Brief; Gertrude Stein Reply Brief
And his testimony before the DC City Council:
Swine Flu and Afghanistan
October 27, 2009Dialogue: Swine Flu, Afghanistan, and the last fund drive for WPFW
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