Debate Tuesday
April 12, 2005
(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download
Guest: Michael Lane, President of IntElephant Strategies, a consultant working to elect Republicans to political office.
Topics for discussion:
– Republican threats to judges, including impeachment and even violence
– The “nuclear option” to break Senate rules to stop a Democratic judicial filibuster
– Huge deficits under Bush – where should we cut?
– The End of the Estate Tax – Why Republicans believe Parris Hilton should not be taxed but a woman working three jobs to pay the rent must be taxed instead
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A reply to Joe McCarthy April 27, 2005 2:38 pm
Be vigilant against illusions of the ego
that engender doubt
to your awareness
of the wholeness
of the Son of God.
Accept the peace of your mind
as God created it,
that which is aligned with light,
retained, strengthening,
and that purified.
Reject what the ego makes
that the unity of mind may foster joy
and find a way out of conflict,
to comfort
within the Kingdom of God.
McCarthy was a crazy motherfucker, and you support him, JohnnyP? April 25, 2005 1:55 am
JohnnyP–some of us were alive then and remember the maniac and remember the irrational fear McCarthy created and the innocent people he destroyed with that fear–it is most appropriate that you, JohnnyP, try to prop up his memory–which is a legacy that never should be repeated