Sunday Weekly Review
August 7, 2005
(.wma broadcast stream) (.mp3 download
Right-click,”Save Target as”,”Save”)
[Broadcast stream is full two hours. Download has first hour only. Sound quality weaker than usual.]
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Wildebeast March 1, 2008 10:46 am
Hungry Horse–how is the wife NOT a part of the husband’s infidelity–she is the one being betrayed–how can the counterpart of a dysfunctional relationship–be blameless?
Withholding sex has its consequences and betrayed wives are usually part of that equation for whatever combinations of emotional aberration
Women like Hillary that have cabooses that transcend two time zones are dead giveaways that they haven’t been taking the love choo-choo for a tunnel ride
Robt February 27, 2008 3:55 am
Republican sacrifice in wearing the flag pin.
The flag pin etiquette should answer the questions of Obama not wearing the pin. Like many many Americans that do not wear the pin.
Etiquette here;