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Sunday Weekly Review

March 26, 2006

Mark’s NOT going away, loyal San Diego listeners. You can still hear him live, downloaded, or podcast right here at this website.
To be added to Mark’s mailing list, click the button on the left.
Mark says: “This is my last week on KLSD in San Diego. I want to thank all of my listeners who have made my show the Number 1 talk show there. I hope to come back to KLSD some day or to Air America which is replacing my program. If you liked my show, you can let them know at Air America (Select Issue: Show Feedback: General Comment About Programming) or
KLSD (Program Director) (scroll to the bottom).”

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  • Serendipity Smith April 7, 2006 9:23 am

    And so Scooter Libby starts squealing that Bush OK’d leaks to promote the War in Iraq–perhaps the U.S. had to endure the horrible lesson before its populace could palate the truth–and timing is heaven-sent that we may all learn the larger lessons
    By the time Libby stops squealing–perhaps all the little Animal Farm piglets will be put into line and given their due in due time

  • Phouc Yu Lizard April 6, 2006 9:25 am

    I can say only one thing in response to Dr. Doom, “Fok you.”

  • Bill Madon April 6, 2006 7:07 am

    Hi, 2 year fan of Mark Levine has been trying to download this audio program too, for the last week, and it is still UNAVAILABLE. Instead, I get the following error “Internet Explorer cannot download InsideScoop3-26-06.mp3”. However I was able to successfully download other shows from the Inside Scoop archive.

  • Vicky April 5, 2006 8:10 pm

    Skip – Thought of you when I read about this dude. Are you one of his fans?
    Recently, the Texas Academy of Science honored Dr. Eric “Lizard Man” Pianka with its 2006 “Distinguished Scientist Award”. Dr. Pianka (also known as “Dr. Doom”) told a large crowd of admirers that he believed an outbreak of the ebola virus wiping out billions and billions of human beings would be beneficial for the planet.
    But in the meantime, he’s pulling for the bird flu.
    Dr. Pianka received an enthusiastic standing ovation from the Academy for his fine work and thoughtful presentation.
    “Dr. Doom”, an eco-biology professor at the University of Texas (whose pet bison “Lucifer” can jump a four-foot fence), is a lizard expert. In the past, Professor Pianka has stated that human beings are “no better than bacteria”, and he praises the forced abortion policy in China.
    A quote from Dr. Doom –
    “Good terrorists would be taking [Ebola viruses] so that they had microbes they could let loose on the Earth that would kill 90 percent of the people.”
    Dr. Eric Pianka – (Texas Academy of Science’s 2006 Distinguished Scientist Award winner)

  • An ever-present danger April 2, 2006 9:45 am

    Jeff M discusses the reason why the difference between incompetence and iniquity of the Bush administration has to be explored–the Bush boys still have the capability to be more dangerous to the U.S. than Al-Qaeda could ever be