November 21, 2005
The Violence Against Women Act expired a month and a half ago. Will Congress renew? How does this legislation actually affect women harmed by domestic violence?
Guest: Allison Randall, Public Policy Specialist for the National Network to End Domestic Violence
Cindy November 21, 2005 7:35 pm
Yes – the National Network to End Domestic Violence website is:
Also, you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at:
Vicky November 21, 2005 7:31 pm
Is there a website for Ms Randall’s organization?
Mike November 21, 2005 6:48 pm
How do we reach out to victims who may not speak English?
What is your funding, county, state or national funding?
mike November 21, 2005 6:42 pm
What is the composition of the victims of the domestic violence. Is is higher in certain communities and lower in others?
In the Chinese community we hear of infancide of baby girls indicating women’s low stature in the community, and does that translate into the adult Domestic violence?
In the Muslim community women are covered head to foot so we are less likely to see evidence of the abuse?
What economic strata do we see the most violence? Is violence more prevelent in poorer areas or richer? Is violence more prevelent in higher education households?
Do men also have the problems of Domestic violence?