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Week in Review

November 16, 2006

Stop Jack Murtha! Steny Hoyer ain’t perfect but he’s far better to be the Democratic Majority Leader. Pelosi was wrong to endorse Murtha.
Given that every year, Republicans use dirty election tricks — and Dems don’t — should Dems fight back with election tricks of their own? If not, how do you expose fraud like the disgusting events in Maryland? Here’s an idea: “Nazi Sample Ballot: The American Nazi Party endorses Republican George Bush” Repubs think this is fair. Do you?
The new chair of the RNC: Mel Martinez, the master of Terri Schiavo politics…
Updates on the still undecided House races
And more…

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  • Humprty Dumpty Doctrine in inaction November 25, 2006 9:38 am

    George Bush is about to discover how little leverage he has in dealing with Syria and Iran
    As U.S. troops mingle at Camp Victory and ponder being part of the problem–and not the solution
    The cumulative force of American mistakes is coming home to roost–welcome to beautiful downtown Baghdad the sparkling example of democracy in the middle east–mission fucking unaccomplished

  • Better dead than bitter November 25, 2006 9:11 am

    Fred–becoming someone like you–is like having died already

  • Fred Dawes November 24, 2006 11:58 pm

    means nothing the guys is just one more tool of bin laden and mexico city, buy guns. listen to savage nation.