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The Legacy of Slavery [RC]

July 30, 2012

How Mitt Romney Profits from Child Abuse [LM]

July 28, 2012

Meet CRC Health Group:  A Bain company shut down by authorities for child abuse and accused of homicide by local police
Guest: Art Levine (no relation), author of Dark Side of a Bain Success
CRC was invited to come on the show and respond to these serious allegations. They declined, but the offer remains open. Instead they shared their response to the Salon article, which Art Levine responded to here.
Here’s an example of the serious allegations against CRC.  This is an Order by the State of Oregon shutting down “Mount Bachelor Academy,” operated by the CRC.

Conservative Ideas: Guns for the Insane, Violence Against Gays & Immigrants, and Special "Rich-Man Rules"[LM]

July 26, 2012

Tonight from 7 to 10 pm ET
The National Rifle Association supports high-capacity magazines and guaranteeing the insane access to guns. Guess the moviekiller wasn’t deadly enough!
ALSO my guest Terry O’Neill, the President of the National Organization of Women, talks about why Republicans are opposed to protecting victims of domestic violence who are gay or illegal immigrants. Guess violence is OK for those reprobates.
AND “Rich-Man Rules”: Why Conservatives believe that the superrich shouldn’t have to follow the same rules the rest of us live by. Guess the 99% doesn’t matter.

Debate on Gun Control [RTV]

July 26, 2012


We Need Fewer Guns in Colorado, More Guns in Syria, and Less Gridiron at Penn State [LM]

July 24, 2012
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