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Comments 7/30/06

July 30, 2006

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  • Vicky August 21, 2006 1:48 pm

    This is pro-choice –
    Police and prosecutors in Hialeah, Fla., are investigating an abortion clinic incident that has all the markings of murder. On the morning of July 20, an 18-year-old girl walked into the A Gyn Diagnostics Center to abort her baby at 23 weeks. She had received medication to dilate her cervix the night before. By that afternoon, however, the clinic abortionist, Frantz Bazile, had not shown up for work.
    The girl delivered her baby, alive, moving, and trying to breathe. Clinic worker Belkis Gonzalez then allegedly cut the umbilical cord, stuffed the wriggling, gasping baby into a biohazard bag, and sealed the bag shut. The day the baby was born, police received a tip and searched the clinic, but found no body. Nine days later, acting on another tip, police searched A Gyn again. This time they found the infant, still in the biohazard bag, unrefrigerated and badly decomposed.
    Tell me again about “choice” pro aborts/baby killers!

  • No anchovies, please August 21, 2006 11:02 am

    In Moscow cheese, pepperoni and stem-cell pizzas are big sellers

  • Vicky August 18, 2006 10:12 pm

    Greedy for Fetal Stem Cells – Barbaric Beauty
    A clinic in Moscow pays poverty-stricken young women 200 U.S. dollars to carry babies up to the optimum eight to 12-week period – thought to be best for harvesting stem cells. After the babies are aborted,they are then sold to cosmetic clinics.
    RUSSIA and the Ukraine currently top the world abortion league, with more of the operations carried out here than anywhere else on earth. Evidence gathered by the Moscow police department has shown a growing black market in aborted foetuses, which are smuggled into Russia from the Ukraine and Georgia.
    Similar clinics can be found in Barbados, the Dominican Republic, and Holland.
    This treatment runs the risk of serious infection, tumours and cancer. And those who are so vain and so indifferent to the lives sacrificed deserve those infections, those tumors and those cancers.
    Manhattan’s spa scene -is using moisturizer composed of cells harvested from the embryonic fluid of pregnant cows…just waiting for those perfect baby stem cells to become legal!

  • Unwanted Babies 'R Us August 9, 2006 9:27 am

    Most Safe Haven centers have a drive-thru window