Debate Tuesday
January 11, 2005
(broadcast stream ) (.wma download
Guest: Bill Rice, host of the conservative podcast and blog, and frequent op-ed contributor to the Detroit News
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Dr. Freud January 23, 2005 10:32 pm
Tracie-the destination is the contingency–unless you were talking about support group registration for our upcoming Newport Beach, Ca seminar–we have openings in 12 sexual-identity sections
Tracie January 23, 2005 6:47 pm
I’d really prefer a six day, seven night stay.
Dr. Freud January 21, 2005 2:52 pm
Actually Tracie I have arranged a seven-day, six-night time-share vacation for you and Don to either Santiago, Chile, Las Vegas, or you could have tea for two in Timbuktu. Enjoy your polar contrasts and dysfunctional similarities–can romance be far away?
I like to keep my anger well exposed and controlled with my own self-help group for sex-aholics, “Partners Without Pants”–you can e-mail me for registration specifics
Tracie January 19, 2005 11:04 pm
Dr. Freud – In response to your categorization of myself and your bosom buddy, “don”, I send this message to you, to him and to Dave as well….please spare me the random firing of your synapses…… and Freud, can you not see that you do the same as you accuse others (in this particular case, don) when you say “your need to categorize leads you away from the truth.” Do you have a hidden anger problem Dr? Have you considered therapy for this? I recommend it.