Debate Tuesday
March 1, 2005
(broadcast stream ) (.mp3 download
Guest: Republican strategist, consultant, and activist Marjorie Blakely
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Vicky March 5, 2005 10:03 pm
She’s saving her energy for the big day!
Get it all over with huh? Ha ha – It’s all just the beginning! 😉
Nathan March 5, 2005 4:55 pm
I’m on contract with the state of Ohio education dept to build the app that stored basically all of their data. All of the data for students, teachers, schools, etc is being tracked and maintained by the app my team is working on. It’s a busy time because we are in the middle of rolling out the new version and teh schools are trying to get many of the new features configured for the next school year.
And she isn’t moving much, much to the dissapointment of my wife who just wants to get it all over with. 🙂 It’s just a waiting game now.
Vicky March 5, 2005 12:48 pm
I’m curious about your project with the Ohio education system – what are you doing?
And I’ve also been wondering about your little daughter? How is she doing? Is she making any moves for the big day? 😉
Dave G. March 4, 2005 8:36 am
Thank you Nathan, You appear to have a rare capacity to weigh opposing views. It is, I’m afraid also a fact that tax cuts benefited the poor very little. I understand that 85% of all tax relief went to the upper 2% of tax payers. That has also left us with how much of a national debt.??