Debate Tuesday: Republicans Go Nuclear!
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Drunk with power, the Republicans this week are likely to declare War on the Constitution, the Senate, and the American Judiciary in an effort to pack the bench with 10 judges after refusing to give Bill Clinton an up or down vote on 69. The real threat is that they will use this violation of Senate rules and the Constitution to pack the Supreme Court which can then again choose the President and again refuse to count the votes of We the People.
Will Democrats have the stomach to fight back for American constitutional democracy? Does America care if one of the last vestiges of the rule of law is swept away in the Republican tyranny?
I will debate the “nuclear option,” likely to be employed this week by the Republicans and the Democrats’ possible “nuclear responses” with my guest, Michael Lane, President of IntElephant Strategies, a consultant working to elect Republicans to political office.
Can we avoid Mutually Assured Destruction? My view is that if the Republicans declare metaphorical “nuclear war” on the rest of us Americans, we have to fight back with the same force, even if it leaves our Government metaphorically in smoldering ruins. It is only the threat of Mutually Assured Destruction that will prevent this power-mad tyranny from taking over and destroying that late great constitutional democracy we used to call the United States of America.
Televised on Channel 10 in Northern Virginia (Cox Cable)
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Gordon from Bora Bora May 23, 2005 10:47 am
Get Over It
Life’s afflictions, turned addictions
offered upon the altar,
time and again,
mimicked mistakes repeated
so many times.
Are the lessons ever really learned?
Get over it!
Seeking catharsis,
do you doubt yourself
as the stakes just get higher
and higher?
That same basic flaw, insecurity unattended,
the ego still has a hold on the nervous system.
Get over it!
The search for love is such an endless quest,
no rest from wanting its intimate best,
nor peace in living its recurring, dramatic test.
Get over it!
There is no shame in slipping sideways
through parallel universes
to avoid tumultuous trials;
but don’t expect imperfection to be escaped.
Rise above it!
Alexander May 20, 2005 4:26 pm
Wow…Jews won’t allow Blacks into Government? Wait, is that antisemitic or racist? Wait..don’t tell me…hard to say…I know! It’s both! Congratulations, JohnnyP, add those two to homophobia and you’ve hit the Nazi troika! (DA DA DA DA DUMMMMMMM ***blare of trumpets and the sound of “Seig Heil!” and goosesteps***)
Janice Rogers Brown is indeed a very strange individual. She is a black woman that thinks it’s OK if a racist prosecutor kicks all blacks off a jury on the ground that they are… well… black.
Let’s see: what possible African-American could hate herself so much that she actually supported the right of all-white juries to convict black people? Hmm….can I think of one? It’s hard…Someone really has to hate herself, and no self-respecting black woman would do that.
But I know of a black man who would do this! True, he’s fictional, but he’s the only one I could think of that is as racist and self-hating as Janice Rogers Brown.
His name: Uncle Tom
JohnnyP May 20, 2005 4:12 pm
John Morell writes:
“It is time for all Democrats to stand up and be counted.”
You did in Novemeber. Your heads were counted. You lost. Sit down. The winners lead. That’s what an election if for.
John Morell writes:
“We need to write Democratic Congressmen and Senators to fight the effort of the Conservative Right to take over – not only the Executive and Legislative Branches but also the Judiciary.”
Yep….that’s called politics. However, since there is a mental malady in Liberlaism, more people are realizing that the left needs to be crushed.
John Morel writes:
“The Republicans are organized so it is necessary for every concerned American to make themselves heard.”
Yes, as an Independent who opposes the Marxist platform I called and supported the republicans.
John Morell writes:
“We need fair minded people to be appointed to the judiciary,”
Then why wasn’t Bork approved? Why is Janice Rogers Brown being opposed by Jews Schumer, Feinstein, and Boxer? It seems that elected Jews don;t care to allow blacks into politcis to readily, except as Uncle Toms.
John Morell writes:
“….we need a man for U.N. Representative who respects that organization…”
The UN now consists of triators who have sold out for $$$. France, Russia, and China have placed the world on the brink of nuclear war. The rest of the members are primarily thugs that hate America and Israel. But you want someone to go their an make nice. Dumb idea.
John Morell writes:
“…and we have to prevent this President from gutting the Social Security Program and sending all the good jobs overseas.”
We can agree on that!
John Morell May 17, 2005 10:53 pm
It is time for all Democrats to stand up and be counted. We need to write Democratic Congressmen and Senators to fight the effort of the Conservative Right to take over – not only the Executive and Legislative Branches but also the Judiciary. The Republicans are organized so it is necessary for every concerned American to make themselves heard. We need fair minded people to be appointed to the judiciary, we need a man for U.N. Representative who respects that organization and we have to prevent this President from gutting the Social Security Program and sending all the good jobs overseas. E-mail your Congressmen and Senators. John Morell, Oregon