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Zimmerman Trial: Burden of Proof on Self-Defense [ISLM]

July 9, 2013

The Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman confrontation has come to trial in a Florida courtroom.
Clearly the prosecution has to prove Zimmerman guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
But Zimmerman has raised the issue of self-defense.  What then is the burden of proof and how will the jury decide?
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Coup in Egypt and Crazy Health-Care Costs [RC]

July 7, 2013

Leading up to the Egyptian Coup & Zimmerman Trial [IS]

July 7, 2013

History of Marriage Equality and the Guantanamo Hunger Strike [IS-LM]

July 2, 2013

Edward Snowden: Hero or Traitor? [RT]

July 1, 2013

While the topic above was part of the discussion, we actually had a freewheeling discussion on everything from Snowden to MF Global, from corporate taxation to the financial impact of DOMA, and from bit coins to the frightening lack of privacy we have.

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