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Trapped in a Car with a Smoker

August 25, 2015

Starting in October, England and Wales will fine adults who smoke in cars with children.
The fine is 50 pounds (about $80)
We need to do something similar in Virginia.

What's your Nationality?

August 24, 2015

I discuss the what people really mean when they ask “What’s your nationality?” I am joined by some great callers throughout the hour as well.

President Obama is Wrong to Allow Arctic Oil Drilling

August 21, 2015

I’m joined by Franz A. Matzner, director of the Beyond Oil Initiative for the Natural Resources Defense Council.
We discuss how, as Matzner wrote, “in granting Shell Oil permission to start drilling for oil off the coast of Alaska, President Obama has exposed pristine Arctic waters to the risk of a devastating oil disaster while opening the door to yet another source of the carbon pollution that’s driving climate change.”
Franz Matzner’s policy background includes energy, climate, and forestry.

The Case for Birthright Citizenship

August 20, 2015

An Agenda for the Black Lives Matter Movement & Female Rangers

August 19, 2015

I discuss how I believe that the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement needs an agenda, and what I believe that agenda should consist of.
Then, I join Leslie Marshall to discuss the two female soldiers who made history by completing Army Ranger school. We also discuss whether women should be able to serve in all branches and positions in the military.
Leslie is host of ‘The Leslie Marshall Show’ on radio, a Fox News Contributor on TV, and a blogger for The Huffington Post. Here is how you can follow her online:
Twitter: @LeslieMarshall

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