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Debate Tuesday: Competing Political Philosophies

March 8, 2005

(broadcast stream part 1) (broadcast stream part 2) (.mp3 download)
[Due to technical difficulties, the archive stream is in two parts.]
Mark Levine debates Republican leader Jim Parmelee on the basic philosophies of the Democratic and Republican Parties:
Why are you a Republican? A conservative?
Why are you a Democrat? A liberal?
Both parties/sides tend to have knee-jerk reactions:
Democrats/Liberals care about poor people, the environment, equal opportunity, unions, teachers, corporate regulation, consumer protection, high taxes on inherited wealth, low taxes on people struggling to make a living, education, low debt, open government, separation of church and state, rehabilitation and drug treatment rather than prison, war as a last resort, prevention of genocide, voting rights, police officers and firefighters, homeland security, gun control, and a free press….
Republicans/conservatives care about rich people, big business, corporations, oil companies, low taxes (for corporations, capital gains, inherited wealth, interest, and dividends), Government/Church partnership, letting people succeed in business without government help or interference, strict Government regulation/monitoring of private lives, high debt, closed government, strict voting regulations, wars to compel countries to follow US interests, and a press controlled and manipulated by the Government…
What makes us support one side or the other?

Rigging the Election

December 8, 2004

(archived broadcast )
Are the Conspiracy Theorists Right? – Most of today’s broadcast is devoted to the shocking affidavit of Clinton Curtis, who says he was hired by the Florida Speaker of the House, Republican Tom Feeney, to rig voting on electronic machines.
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Words of Wisdom – The Concession Speech

November 8, 2004

(archived broadcast )
The Concession Speech We All Wanted to Hear by Adam Felber
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Still in Shock

November 7, 2004

(archived broadcast )
The Civil Rights Revolution is over. The culture war has begun.
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The Day After

November 3, 2004

Shock, depression, bad exit polls, foul play, and losing an election on God, gays, and guns.
How do we heal when 51% of us just elected as President one of the most divisive figures of America history?
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Kerry's Speech on the War in Iraq

September 22, 2004

(archived broadcast )
(Johnny and George: A Bedtime Story)
When the history of Election of 2004 is written, John Kerry’s speech Monday on Bush’s War in Iraq will likely be remembered as the turning point: the point where Kerry, having been hurt by the Swift Boat Smear, rose again to take control of the agenda and win the Election.
As a public service to you, we will play the speech today commercial-free with Mark’s comments (and yours!) at the conclusion.
A transcript of the speech is posted in the blog below (thanks to frequent “Scooper,” Gordon from Michigan).
The “Johnny and George” Children’s Story
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Assault Weapons Legal Today

September 13, 2004

(archived broadcast )
Guests: Kelly Hobbs, spokesperson for the National Rifle Association and Elizabeth Haile, Staff Attorney for the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence
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Reflections on Red and Blue America: A Poem and a Debate

May 7, 2004

Part II (archived broadcast )
Debate with Jeff Meredith, Young America’s Foundation
Conservatives love America like Mommy or Daddy,
Unconditionally, right or wrong.
Liberals love America like Husband or Wife.
An object of affection and, sometimes, disappointment.
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Reflections on Red and Blue America

May 3, 2004

(archived broadcast )
Conservatives love America like Mommy or Daddy,
Unconditionally, right or wrong.
Liberals love America like Husband or Wife.
An object of affection and, sometimes, disappointment.
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