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Mark on WPFW

February 13, 2008


Discussing the Potomac Primary with Metropolitan Washington’s Pacifica audience

Clinton, Obama, and McCainAll Three Presidential Campaigns on The Inside Scoop!

February 12, 2008

Audio Only

Just before the Potomac Primary, Mark poses his tough questions to representatives of the Clinton, McCain, and Obama campaigns to help you decide who to vote for.

It's a Tie!

February 7, 2008


The Democrats tie Super Tuesday.

While the Republicans, after more than 60% voted AGAINST McCain, are going to get him as a nominee.

Now THIS is the problem with having all the states vote at once…

(Treat this as “Week in Review” and comment on anything you like.)

Prelude to Super Tuesday

February 6, 2008

Video / Audio

Mark and Republican Strategist Mike Lane discuss the greatest national primary in American history: 22 states vote tomorrow.

For Democrats, it’s difficult to decide because both candidates are so good: intelligent, compassionate, and dedicated to serving all Americans.

For Republicans, it’s also a difficult choice because they hate their candidates so much. Will it be the whiny flip flopper? Or the one hated by Rush Limbaugh but endorsed by the New York Times?

The Economic Cost of the War in Iraq

February 4, 2008


According to the Senate’s Joint Economic Committee, It’s enough to pay for health care for every uninsured man, woman, and child in America.

Mark went on the Leslie Marshall show to discuss this isssue.

PLUS more reasons to vote for Obama!

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